Ganado Middle School
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Ganado Middle School

Frequently Asked Questions

Sometimes you just want an answer—quick! For your convenience, we’ve put together a list of the questions most frequently asked of our office staff. And if you don’t find the answer you need here, please give our office a call during regular office hours; we’re happy to help!

What time does school begin and end?

We begin and end our school day as follows:

Regular: 7:55 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
2-Hour Delay: 10:00 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Early Release: 7:55 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.

For a detailed bell and class schedule, please visit us at our Who We Are page and view the class schedule found on the side of the page.

How do I report my child’s absence from school?

We request a notification call on the day of absence to our office as well as a written note upon your child’s return to school. We will consider an absence as “excused” if a student presents a note documenting his or her illness, an illness in the family, a death in the family, attempt to avoid exposure to severe weather, and observance of certain religious holidays or days of significant cultural importance.

Following are the general guidelines regarding absences:

  • We consider absences unexcused if a student does not present a note upon his/her return to school or for which a parent has not otherwise contacted the office.
  • We will contact parents by note or in person after three, five, and 10 days of cumulative unexcused absence to discuss attendance requirements.
  • We are required to withdraw a student who has 10 or more consecutive days of unexcused absences (ARS 15-901. A.2). In order for the student to resume attending school, a parent/guardian must re-enroll the student.
  • We consider absences (excused or unexcused) in excess of 20 days excessive. This may result in a referral by social services.
  • We consider a student who participates in school-sponsored activities as present in school. We require students to make up any class assignments they miss.
  • As a courtesy, we will call the parent/guardian each time their child is absent.
  • We may recommend students with excessive absences for retention.

In the event of dangerous weather conditions, how do I find out if school will be cancelled or delayed?

We utilize an automated telephone system to inform the parents and staff regarding school delays, early releases, and closures. Please make sure that your contact information is up-to-date to ensure that you receive these important notices.

In addition to our automated notification system, you can access this message by calling (928) 755-1005 anytime during inclement weather. We will also provide updates and announcements on KTNN AM 660 and the Albuquerque NBC or ABC television affiliates.

Does GMS provide its students with access to computers?

Yes! We provide every student a laptop for academic purposes during the school day. We expect each student to comply with our laptop and technology usage policies. We will revoke or suspend laptop privileges if students choose to violate the usage policies. To review our technology usage policy, please refer to student handbook found under the parent and student quick links on the Home page.

Can my child have a cell phone or other electronic device on campus?

We permit the use of cell phones and other electronic devices before and after school; we will confiscate devices used during the school day. We require a parent or guardian to retrieve and sign for the confiscated item from the building principal. If an item is confiscated a second time, we will keep it for the remainder of the school year. Ganado Middle School and Ganado Unified School District assume no liability for loss, damage, or theft of any electronic item.

Can my child request a schedule change?

We permit students to make schedule changes in their elective classes only. We allow changes only upon recommendation by the student’s parent/guardian, teachers, and upon final approval by the principal. We will not accept a request for a schedule change after the first five days of each quarter.

Can my child request a change to his/her teacher assignment?

We will not change class assignments unless it is recommended by the student’s parent/guardian, teacher, and principal.

Does GMS enforce a dress code?

Yes, we do. We encourage students to take pride in their attire as it relates to the school setting. Students should dress in a manner that takes into consideration the educational environment, safety, health, and welfare of themselves and others. We require students to adhere to these rules while participating in extracurricular activities. General guidelines follow:

  • We do not permit tank tops, spaghetti straps, tube tops, halter-tops, or low cut blouses.
  • We do not permit clothing that is offensive, gang, drug, alcohol, or tobacco related.
  • We do not permit clothing promoting profanity, violence or anarchy, sexual activity, drug culture, Satanic activities, disturbing images, or clothing depicting music groups known for deviant behavior.
  • We require students to wear pants at shoe length that do not touch the floor.
  • We will not permit excessively baggy pants.
  • We require that the place where the two pant legs meet to be at or above fingertip length.
  • We require shorts to cover the upper area of the thigh.
  • We do not permit students to wear pajama bottoms or tops to school.

What are the Six Pillars of Character?

This refers to a set of six essential characteristics. We teach and model these traits and expect all students to do the same.

  1. Respect - for yourself, others, property, and environment; use active listening; do not put-down or insult others
  2. Responsibility - exercise self-control; think before you act and consider the consequences; be accountable for your choices
  3. Citizenship - do your share to make your school and community better
  4. Fairness - play by the rules; don’t carelessly blame others
  5. Caring - be compassionate; express gratitude; forgive others
  6. Trustworthiness - be honest; don’t lie, cheat, or steal; be reliable